How to Attract Money

You are the creator of all circumstances in your life. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner thoughts. If you have a disciplined and progressive mindset then your life will be productive and fruitful. When someone has an unorganized dysfunctional life, it is merely a reflection of their mindset. Your mind is a magnet. You will attract what you think about the most. You can tell what a person thinks simply by looking at what they have attracted into their life.


What are your dominant thoughts? Do you think like the masses and stay fixated on celebrity gossip, materialism, entertainment, and social events? What is your mind tuned into? One would not tune their radio dial to a classic rock station and expect to hear Jazz. If you want to attract money then all you have to do is stay focused on money. Money loves attention. Money is a servant that will work hard and multiply if you treat it well. Man is not meant to work for money. Money is supposed to work for man. You have to be fanatical about making money if you want to make it grow. The masses usually don’t think about money until they run out of it. There is not any facet of your life that will improve if you neglect it.

Be specific about how much money you want. Unclear goals bring imprecise results. Only about 5% of the population will set clear financial goals. Write down the exact amount of money you want to earn per year and how much you want saved. Put it on your bathroom mirror and on your laptop screen. You must think about your goal every day. Go to sleep listening wealth affirmations and audio books on wealth building. Don’t worry how you will arrive at your financial destination. The opportunities and information will line up for you at the right time. All you have to do is believe, take action and wait.

Some financial gurus only focus on savings and others only focus on increasing income. You will become rich faster if you focus on both. Money making opportunities are always around you and they will become easily noticeable once your mind is in tune with wealth creation. When I was in my early 20’s I decided I wanted to purchase a corvette. I always had corvettes on my mind even in my sleep. I began to notice more corvettes on the road than usual. I later met a friend with a corvette and he would occasionally let me borrow it. I eventually purchased a corvette 2 years later.

Whatever you continuously think about will eventually be mirrored in your life. I must confess that using the law of attraction for a depreciation asset such as a car is not the best use of its power. It’s better for someone to just focus on wealth building and the luxury goods will come as a by-product of being rich.

The law of attraction works the same for anything you want. It can be used for something substantial or for something frivolous. A teenager could focus his or her mind on something productive like getting accepted into Harvard. Another teenager could focus on something senseless like memorizing the latest pop song lyrics or working odd jobs to buy the newest cell phone.

Work and sacrifice

The law of attraction only works if you work. You must work 10x harder than you have in the past. When I say work hard, I do not mean physical exertion on a job where you are trading your time for money. If simply working hard attracted wealth, then construction workers and garbage men would be millionaires. Smart people work hard at building a system that will generate money while they are sleep. Hard work is only good when your energy is focused in the right direction.

If you want to be a painter then you need to paint every day. If you want to be great then you have to put in the hours to hone your skills. Extraordinary wealth calls for extraordinary effort. You will attract a bigger income when you become a bigger person.

Do what you love

Always pursue what you enjoy. You won’t mind putting in long hours and working hard at something you love. Obstacles will be easier to overcome. When you are following your passion you don’t need an alarm clock. You will be eager to wake up at 5 a.m. to get busy on your dreams. Everybody is born with at least one talent to share with the world.  The Latin word for talent is talentum. Talentum means sum of money.  Your talent is priceless! The more you develop and refine your talent, the richer you will become.  The more people you impact with your talent, the more you will get paid. The internet is so great because there is no limit to how many people you can impact. Focus on how you can serve more people. You are truly successful when you can make a living from your passion.

In order to monetize your passion, you must be consistent. The universe rewards consistency. You don’t even have to be the best at what you do. If you just stay in the game long enough people will recognize you as an authority in your field. Most actors don’t become A-list superstars until after being in the business for many years. People see them for the first time in a block buster movie and think they’re an overnight success. In reality they have been playing discreet roles for several years or even decades. If you are persistent you will eventually have a break through.

In the zone

When you are in the zone, money will start to flow from many different sources. Everything has a cause and effect. The financial seeds you planted a long time ago will begin to take root. I’ve received surprise checks in the mail and had stocks go up from investments I forgot about. It usually takes about 3 to 5 years of consistent effort to get into the zone where you are a money magnet. Most people lose patience and therefore never reach this level. They easily quit when the money doesn’t flow instantaneously. People are addicted to immediate gratification. The best things in life always take time to develop. A gourmet holiday dinner takes hours to prepare but a hot dog and fries can be made in minutes. Greatness takes time to manifest so always be patient.

Your Words Are Powerful

The masses often make statements that are centered in poverty consciousness. When they see relatively expensive items they make statements like “I can’t afford it”. If something is currently beyond your financial means just simple say “How can I afford it”. If another person can afford a Roll Royce, then it is possible for you to buy one also. Other people are human beings just like you.

Never use the word “can’t”. People attract financial inadequacy when they make negative statements. The subconscious mind absorbs everything it hears and will magnetize whatever you program into it.

Vocalize statements of gratitude every day. As soon as you wake up in the morning simple repeat the words “Thank You” out loud several times. Gratitude attracts more good things into your life. Always focus on your blessings. There is always something to be thankful for.

Feel Abundant

Always carry at least $500 to $1000. Having cash on hand will give you a feeling of abundance. Cash on hand will also deter you from making needless impulse credit card purchases. Carrying cash also helps you to develop a relationship with money. Money is energy and you need to feel comfortable around it.  The universe will give you exactly what you feel you deserve. Imagine how you will feel once you are financially independent. How will you feel when you are living the perfect lifestyle you want.  You must have that blissful feeling of abundance right now. Understand that you are already a priceless human being.  You are a unique person. There will never be anyone exactly like you on this earth ever again.

Go to the wealthiest neighborhoods and feel the vibration of prosperity. Soak in the abundance. Attend events such as golf tournaments, economic conferences, symphony orchestra concerts, art exhibitions, tennis matches and wine tasting events. Go where the wealthy go and do what they do. When you are constantly around wealthy people you will begin to think like they think. Eventually you will have a circle of wealthy friends. If you hang around 4 millionaires you will ultimately be number 5.