How to Get Rich Quietly

“Silence is Golden” is a timeless statement that relates to many facets of life. This especially is relevant to your money and success.  Another old saying is “loose lips sink ships.”  When someone has a sudden rise in income or reaches a financial milestone, the average person’s first instinct is to tell somebody.

It’s a mistake to broadcast your blessings. 99% of people will not be genuinely happy for you, not even most family members or so-called close friends. The typical person will only be happy for you if they feel you are equal or below them on the ladder of success. There is no upside to telling others about your dreams and accomplishments. You will only attract negative energy in the form of hate and envy.

Proverbs 13:3 Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life.

Let’s say you are about to purchase a beachfront home or a new exotic sports car. You nothing to gain by telling the average person or broadcasting it on social media to strangers. The only people you could securely discuss this with other people who are rich enough to buy beachfront property and exotic sports cars. Security and good vibes are major reasons why millionaires and billionaires usually keep a small circle and hang together. You’ll learn that the wealthier your mindset becomes the more you’ll want to talk about ideas and less about things anyway. 

 Telling the world intricate details about your financial abundance can come across as arrogant and egotistical to the masses. Displaying your economic accomplishments to the world will attract wrong type of attention. You’ll find that most people will be jealous and annoyed.  Scammers and beggars will also take notice. There is already enough adversity in life, the last thing you need is to attract people who are eager to block your blessings.

 When you obtain significant wealth, the word will spread around anyway without you saying a word. Your time freedom and abundant lifestyle will speak so loudly that people will take notice.

Only people with low self-esteem from impoverished backgrounds love to reveal personal dreams and achievements to random audiences. You see people on social media flashing cash, checks and bank account balances just to feed their starved ego and get 5 minutes of attention. It’s always funny when you see ignorant criminals post stolen money and jewelry online.

Proverbs 29:11 A fool speaks all his mind: but a wise man keeps it in.

This is ancient wisdom that many people forget and ignore. Talking too much has created problems for thousands of years. Your financial blessings should stay mainly between you and God.  People who are not used to having anything are the ones who talk the most. 

I’ve met 5 or 6 multi-Billionaires and all of them had similar personas. They were not flashy and had unpretentious dispositions. Most Billionaires don’t drive gaudy expensive cars! When you are truly wealthy you have nothing to prove. Look at most of the celebrity Billionaires in the media. The only reason you know they are wealthy is because you know about their accomplishments. You rarely see true Billionaires revealing details about their wealth.

Proverbs 13.7 Some who are poor pretend to be rich; others who are truly rich pretend to be poor.”

The SMART money is quiet money.