How to Attract Big Money Immeadiately!

1)  Practice Gratitude!

Every morning say a prayer of gratitude. Thank God all day for the so called little things most people take for granted. Priceless things such as waking up being able to walk, talk, see, breathe, and hear. You don’t realize how important most things are until they are gone or at risk.

1 Thessalonians 5:16. Always be rejoicing and give thanks for everything. 

The man walking was jealous of the man with a bicycle. The man with a bicycle was jealous of the man with a motorcycle. The man with the motorcycle was jealous of the man with a car. The man with the average car was jealous of the man with a Ferrari. The man with the Ferrari was jealous of the man with a private jet. The man with the private jet was jealous of the man with a super yacht. 

“I cried when I had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet”. -Hellen Keller

You can always find someone who has more money or appears to be living better than you. Use other people’s success as proof that you can also achieve it. Never be jealous or hateful, just appreciate and learn. The bottom line is to be thankful for what you currently have while working for more.

God will bless you with more if you appreciate what you have. This is a law of the universe. When you help a person you will want to help to that person more when he or she has gratitude. If the person was unappreciative, you will not want to help or give again.

If you want a raise or promotion, you must appreciate your current job and perform above expectations. If you want to grow your business, you must treat your current customers exceptionally well and they will help you expand by spreading a good word to others.

Keep a notepad and periodically write down the good things in life. You get more of what you think about. The top 1% dwell on the positive and dismiss negativity. The glass of water is half full or half empty depending on your perception. Perception is key.

Whatever you are upset about, you probably have 100 more things to be thankful for. There are millions of people in the world who would love to be in your shoes.

Even if you don’t like your job, at least you have income.  Don’t say “I have to go to work” say “I get to go to work”.  A job is just a steppingstone to financial freedom. Most Millionaires had to work a job at some point in life before they became wealthy. Even Billionaires like Jeff Bezos once worked a 9-5. Just make sure you are not working 8 hours a day on some one else’s vision then go home and forget about working towards your dream.

If you feel blessed, then you will attract more blessings. The more you thank God, the more he will do for you. Attitude is everything.

2) Have an Abundance Mindset

            The masses of people think too small with a scarcity mindset. They only think about working a job and hopefully retiring with a pension or social security. Most people just want to survive and not thrive. They think small because everyone else in their social circle thinks small.

People are born to do more than just work a job, pay bills, eat, sleep, and watch movies. People copy their environment for better or for worse. A rare percentage of people are cognizant enough to change their scarcity environment into an abundant environment of affluent thoughtful people.

You can seek affluent minded people through books, social media forums, or physically moving to where people with abundant mindsets live. Your environment has a huge influence on your mentality. Once you consistently engage with a circle of high net worth individuals, you won’t have any choice but to have high expectations and start your journey to becoming a multi-millionaire.

3) Think like a Producer not a Consumer

            The masses get excited about things they can buy and collect. The wealthy get excited about things they can create, sell and profit from. Sure, wealthy people buy a few luxury trinkets here and there but that is not what drives them.

It’s better to be the dealer than the customer. The person who consumes will not be rewarded like the person who produces and sells. It’s better to own a car dealership than to be the customer at the car dealership.

Why do you watch so many movies? Stop trying to be entertained all the time. If you like movies so much, then learn how to produce a film or another form of media content.

You like to shop? Why not open an online clothing store? It’s better to sell clothes than to constantly buy clothes you probably will only wear one time. Studies show people only wear 20% of the clothes and shoes in their closet.

The creator side of the economy is better. It’s more rewarding financially and spiritually to produce than to spend. The wealthy prefer to invest money in a business or investment that can grow than to buy consumer goods that depreciate. 

God is the ultimate creator. God made man in his image. We were put on earth to create value and make the world a better place. Creation is your obligation. Therefore, the most productive creators attract the most wealth.

When you buy a lot of things you don’t need you are only happy for a short period of time. When you buy a new car, you are only excited for a few months. Have you ever impulse purchased new clothes and felt empty after you took them home. You just had a temporary high at the point of sale. Buying things never give you long term fulfillment.

True contentment comes from creating value and people wanting to exchange money for your product or service. It lights a fire under you and gives you more inspiration to produce more. The more you serve the richer and happier you become. The more you consume the poorer and less happy you’ll be.

4) Develop a Pleasant Personality

The film industry often depicts Wealthy people as being snobbish, selfish, and rude. This could be further from the truth. The majority of all the wealthy people I know and meet are usually very polite and pleasing to be around.

They were even cheerful and likable before they were rich, and this is what helped boost their net worth. A pleasing personality attracts money! The masses of people only think about themselves so when you have charisma and show interest in others you really stand out. 

Being a more charismatic, pleasing person is something you can work on and improve. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to smile more often and be genuinely interested in other people. Remember people’s names and talk about the other person’s interests, wants, and needs.

A likable personality often helps with attracting more sales. When someone walks into a store, they generally already have an idea of what they want to buy. A salesperson’s pleasant personality is what seals the deal. Being likable is 80% percent of the transaction.

The lack of pleasantry can break a deal no matter how much someone wants a product. I’ve walked out of many businesses because the staff had a negative vibe. All they had to do was be friendly and they would have made a sale.

Wealthy people are usually the happiest and most delightful people. Broke people are usually the most wretched, arrogant, and egotistical. They like to flounder in despair and upset others. The old saying “misery loves company” is true.

There are many books and video tutorials on how to improve your charisma. This will help you attract a wealthy network of people. A great network will increase your net worth.

Treat and serve others like you want to be served and treated. What goes around comes around.

5) Save and Invest 50% of your Income

Having money attracts more money. Money is like a seed. The more seeds you plant, the more growth you’ll have. Money is like a soldier who recruits other soldiers to join and protect your financial infastucture.

Mathew 13:12 For whoever hashe shall  be given more abundance: but whoever has not, from him shall be taken away even what little he has.

God rewards a wise saver and punishes a mindless spender. When you allow money to accumulate, great investment opportunities seem to appear out of thin air to make you richer. When you don’t protect your money, financial emergencies seem to appear out of nowhere to make you poorer.

Saving is a routine that you improve on overtime. You may say you can’t afford to save half of your income today. Just start with 10% and build from there. Even the lowest income person spends 10% on needless things.

Play defense by cutting out needless expenses and play offense by earning more income.  Eventually you will work your way up to saving and investing 50% or more.