Never Give Up on Getting Rich!

One step at a time is how you make it. One brick at a time is how the Pyramids where built. Everything you see that is big once had a small beginning. A big building, a big business, a tall tree, and a tall person all started off small.

 Everybody wants to get rich or achieve their goals yesterday. Many people feel like they are behind on their dreams. Its good to get inspired by other peoples’ success but never compare yourself to them. We all have our own individual paths to prosperity. Your time will come!

The most important thing is that you are making progress, having fun and learning during the journey. Do something something every day that will get you closer to your dream. The progress of making it to say $1 million feels better than when you get there. Progress is the key to happiness. The more challenging the task, the more rewarding the accomplishment. Anything done too easy is never appreciated.

The journey is most important because successful progression is never ending. Earth is always turning, and mankind is always evolving. Matter is always moving under a microscope. The universe is never standing still.

We should temporarily celebrate accomplishments, but the game of improvement and self-actualization is never finished. There is no point in life in which you will have reached a certain goal and become happy forever and sit back doing nothing.

Sitting back with no ambition will degenerate yourself. What new goals do is regenerate your mind, body and soul. Health goals, financial goals, spiritual goals, humanitarian goals, travel goals, etc. The day we stop having life goals is the day the game of life is over.

Many people die spiritually at 25 but don’t physically die until 80 or 90. We all have to physically die one day, but we don’t have to die while we are still living.  A big reason people often feel old is because they quit striving for new goals and dreams. They give up on progression. If you keep showing up every day you will eventually make it. Small gains compounded create huge results overtime.