It’s Your Divine Duty To Become Rich

Everyone is born with the ability to achieve greatness. A higer power dwells inside of you. Rich people are conscious of their power to be prosperous. This awareness gives them the confidence to make big plans and take massive action towards achieving their goals. Wealth has more to do with your mentality than anything else. Every self-made millionaire had to first see themselves as rich before they became rich. Before you can have millions you must be able to visualize yourself already with millions.

“I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea, and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. ” Mark 11:23

Jesus educated people about their God-like power to achieve whatever they can imagine.
The Wright brothers had a resolute belief that man could fly like a bird. I’m sure people must have thought they were crazy at the time. They had the image of an airplane in their mind and through trial and error they found a way to make it work. The Wright brothers were not rocket scientist. They were simply bicycle mechanics who never graduated high school. Where there is a will, there is a way. This is how powerful faith and imagination can be. You do not have to know how you are going to achieve millionaire status. The most important thing is that you believe and take persistent action. The way will present itself to you.

Your life will be a reflection of your imagination

Having a self-image of scarcity and lack is the biggest reason why the masses stay economically deprived. The masses find it difficult to imagine themselves as ever being rich outside of hitting the lottery or winning big at the casino. They don’t have a prosperous vision of themselves. A mediocre vision will produce a mediocre life. The highest self-image a typical person will hold is graduating college and being a working stiff for 30 or more years. There is nothing wrong with graduating college or having a job, but you are capable of much more. Do not put a limit on your prosperity. You are a child of God who created planet Earth and the whole Universe. If God is limitless then you are limitless also. It’s better to aim really high and miss rather than aim to low and hit your target. “Shoot for the moon and if you miss, you will at least be among the stars.” Les Brown

Abundance is everywhere

God’s will is for you to experience heaven while you are living on earth. “Thy shall be done on earth as it is in heaven” The Lord’s Prayer. Since financial struggle does not exist in heaven then you should not accept financial struggle on earth. When you observe nature you will never see a deficiency of anything. Abundance is natural. There is no lack of oxygen, water, fruit, vegetables etc. There is also no such thing as a shortage of money. Money is infinite. This is how our universe was created. Once you accept and believe this, you will be on the path to prosperity. You will separate yourself from the masses who believe in limitations. Everyone has a choice. Choose to embrace your God given power and create a life of abundance that you were born to live. Your will to be rich must be in sync with the creator. God passed you a golden baton when you were born. Take it an RUN!

Break the cycle of mediocrity

The scarcity mentality is passed down from generation to generation. The people who become rich are the ones who are mentally strong enough to break the cycle and adopt a different train of thought. Bill Gates said “If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it’s your mistake”. Just because you are born into a family with a poverty consciousness does not mean you have to accept that same way of thinking. Self-made Billionaires such as Larry Ellison and Amancio Ortega were born into families with limited financial resources. They never embraced a scarcity mindset and became wealthy beyond imagination. Billionaires are human just like you. You have the same divine power to live abundantly.

If you have good health and a sound mind then you have no excuse for not becoming rich with in your lifetime. The sad truth is only about 5% of the population will ever achieve financial freedom. 95% of the population will stay poor because they refuse to cultivate their talent. Wasting your talent could be considered a sin. You have at least one talent to share with the world. Your talent is what creates wealth. If you let your gifts and abilities lie dormant then you are not fulfilling your divine duty on earth. Read the “Parable of talents” in Matthew: 25, 14-30 and you will understand how people who let their talent lie dormant will be scolded and people who cultivate their talent will be celebrated. If you don’t use it, you lose it. If you don’t exercise your muscles, they will get smaller and eventually waste away. If you don’t use your talent you will be poor.

You are the essence of God

“Do you know that you are God’s temple and that God lives in you?” Corinthians 3:16
You were created in the image of God. You are a God in your own right. You have the ability to create and manifest anything you desire. Creating wealth and financial independence is very simple task for a God. The masses believe God is an external force in the sky separate from themselves. You are not separate from God. You and God are one in the same. God is inside of you.

It is up to each individual to awaken and use their divine power. To whom much is given, much is expected. God has given you great power. When God created Earth and said”let there be light”, there was the light. If God can create something as complex as Heaven and Earth, then surely you can create wealth and financial freedom. God wants you to be rich. The wealthier you are, the more you do to serve God and your fellow man. It is your duty to honor God by making the most of your talent.

“With God EVERYTHING is possible”. Matthew 19:26