You Were Born to Be Rich! All Things are Possible

You were born to be Rich! All things are possible

Psalms 82:6 ‘You are “gods”; you are all children of the Most High.’

Since you are a person made in the image of the God, then you also have god like powers.
You will become what you think about. This is the law of the universe. This is ancient knowledge, but most people are unaware of their personal power. The masses cannot break the chains of mediocrity simply because of the mediocre beliefs.

The biggest key to becoming wealthy is to first have an unwavering belief that it is possible!
Only a very small portion of the population actually have a plan to achieve financial freedom. By the age of 65 in the United States, which is the richest country in the world less they 5 percent of the population prosper financially.

You were born to be rich. You were born to be prosperous! Indoctrinate yourself with a prosperity consciousness. If the power of God dwells inside of you, then nothing is impossible.
If you have persistence and faith as small as the grain of mustard seed, you will be able to move mountains

The creator wants you to be wealthy. Planet Earth is full of abundance. There is no lack of air, water, trees, plants, etc. Abundance is natural. Just look at the trillions of stars above.
Just as you have perfect faith in the rising of the Sun every morning, you also should have perfect faith in your goal to become wealthy. To live your life to the fullest and impact the world, you will need financial abundance.

Ecclesiastes 10:19 “A feast is made for laughter, wine makes life merry, but money is the answer for everything.”

Never lose focus of you vision. Never become distracted. The universe we live in has no limits and neither do you. 80 percent of millionaires were born poor. If others can become rich, then it is surely possible for you. Rich people eat, sleep and breath just like you.

In these modern times, one can become wealthy faster than ever before, but remember do not be in a rush to get rich. Everlasting wealth is not produced overnight. It’s better to get rich slowly so you can gain the financial wisdom and knowledge needed to keep it.

There is no elevator to riches, you have to climb the stairs one step at a time.
Patience and persistence = success